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The best way to report a UFO is to access the MUFON web site at You will be directed to a form. It is important to fill this out as completely as possible. All of the questions provide vital clues in the ongoing research in UFOs. If you choose to remain anonymous your identiy will be a closely guraded secret within MUFON.
For the last several years I have been a Field Investigator for The Mutual UFO Network in Indiana. In this blog I would like to present some of the more interesting cases and the phenomena that that is observed in Indiana. The UFO phenomenon is actually a variety of Phenomena some of which are understood and some that aren't. In addition to the vast number of mistaken naturally occurring events in the sky and the hoaxes there are also some things that have a natural explanation that is not yet understood. There are also intelligently controlled craft that have no conventional explanation.

Here I will discuss the cases that were easily explained, those that turned out to be hoaxes and those that remain mysterious. Occasionally I will offer my own theories.

Monday, August 25, 2014


There is been a lot of UFO activity in Indiana and the last two or three years. Many new cases are being reported some of them that occurred recently in some of them of past historical encounters. We the Indiana field investigators are trying valiantly to get these cases cleared out. Unfortunately with a very unusual nature of our investigations is not possible to find adequate explanations in every case. But then it is the case conclusion "unknown" that makes this kind of investigation so very interesting.

Over the last few months fireballs been reported separately over Brownsburg Indiana, Valparaiso, Indiana, and North Manchester Indiana. Triangle shaped craft have been reported over Remington, Mount Vernon, and St. Joseph. Sphere shaped objects have been reported over Bremen, St. Joseph, Indianapolis, and Hamilton Indiana.

My own investigations included cases such as a number of spheres or sphere like objects sighted on July 5, 2013 over Avon Indianaand a similar wave over the same town within 1 mile of the previously mentioned sighting precisely one year before. There were sightings of triangular illuminated objects similar description to the Phoenix lights over Fortville Indiana and within two days of that sighting another on I 70 at the south end of Indianapolis international Airport that was seen by three female family members in the same car. Other cases that I am working on include a sphere over Indianapolis on May 2014, lights over Marion on April 2014, a triangle over Indianapolis on March 2014, a disc over Indianapolis on November 2013, a cylindrical is shaped object over Mooresville Indiana, January 2013, and a triangle over Coatesville in May 2013. There are in fact a lot more open cases. Some of these, at least reportedly, involve possible abductions.

On October 11 at 1 PM Indiana MUFON will be hosting a meeting that is open to the public at the public library in Greencastle Indiana. Detailed information on this meeting can be found that the MUFON Indiana website. I will be speaking on some of the cases listed here as well as a number of others that I have been investigating. Among the other speakers present will be Stewart Hill are state director.

Regression Session Failure

I haven't been blogging here for some time because I've been quite busy with investigations and other MUFON business. Approximately once every year Indiana MUFON tries to do a hypnotic regression event involving as many UFO experiencers who may be abductees as possible. This year I was directly involved in get this years session in operation. Unfortunately it did not work, and a great deal of time and effort done by our state director Stuart Hill and to a lesser degree myself has been wasted.

There are quite a number of important issues involved in using hypnotic regression to recover lost or hidden memories of a UFO related event. If any of these factors come into play they could taint or invalidate any evidence recovered using hypnosis. Far from our favorite form of investigation, hypnosis is rather on the bottom of the list of evidence sought by MUFON investigators. Its primary advantage is that it is evidence where other evidence is unobtainable. The stories and information obtained with hypnotic regression are susceptible to suggestion, subconscious fears, underlying psychiatric disorders which may present themselves as delusions that are perceived as reality, and on some occasions the strong desire of the subject consciously or unconsciously to please the investigators. Any of these can cause a confabulation to be presented during the session instead of a real memory.

The biggest obstacle however is anxiety on the part of the subject. It is widely believed that hypnosis can bring forth memories that have been long submerged. These can be terrifying images or experiences that the subject may not be ready to face. Therefore the most difficult issue is getting the subject to voluntarily present themselves at the session.

Another obstacle is the widely held belief that it is impossible to present or maintain a false story during the hypnotic state. An alleged witness who is in fact perpetrating a hoax will want to avoid any hypnotic regression for fear of being discovered.

This year after lining up all subjects for hypnotic regression and obtaining our certified hypnotherapist, all the subjects backed out and the session had to be canceled.

Hypnotic regression ranks last in the hierarchy of evidence for UFOs behind trace evidence, photographic evidence, and eye witness testimony. It does however offer some major advantages. It can fill in blanks in the story of a witness, and offer therapeutic relief for the extreme anxiety that often plagues the witness. This year MUFON Indiana lost an opportunity to fill in some of the blanks in our investigations and perhaps offer some needed assistance to UFO witnesses who may or may not be abductees. This is been to us a great disappointment.

Indiana MUFON conducts hypnotic regression sessions in full compliance with the guidelines presented to us by the MUFON international leadership. These guidelines state that the actual hypnotic session must be conducted by a certified hypnotherapist. This essentially defines the hypnotic session as a medical procedure. In addition to the confidential nature of almost all investigations and the promise of MUFON to maintain the confidentiality of any UFO witness who wishes to remain anonymous, hypnotic regression sessions also fall under the HIPPA law. Detailed information on this very important law can be found at this website.
This law protects your privacy during any medical procedure. Unauthorized release of such information can in fact cause great harm. Let me offer this hypothetical example. Nurse "Betsy" works on a medical floor of a major hospital. Congressman "X" has just been admitted to her floor. He is there with a mild cardiac complaint. Nurse "Betsy" is a member of a major political party and strongly believes in the platforms in the policies of that party. Congressman "X" is a major player in the party on the other side of the aisle. He has recently announced his candidacy for the presidency. The policies and platforms that he believes in are in direct opposition to those held important by nurse "Betsy". While studying the medical record of Congressman "X" Nurse "Betsy" discovers that in the past the Congressman has been prescribed antipsychotic drugs and undergone electroshock therapy. Nurse "Betsy" now wonders if she might be doing a public service by leaking this information about the Congressman's background. If she were to do this she would not only be violating the confidentiality of her patient but she could also face several years in a federal prison for violating a federal law. And consider the other harm done to the Congressman. There is a huge amount of prejudice involving the kind of therapies the Congressman reportedly had. In fact the Congressman might be more sane and capable then Nurse "Betsy".

Information obtained during a hypnotic regression session or any other medical procedure whatever is restricted specifically to the medical caregivers directly involved in the patient's care and to those whom the patient has designated to receive this information.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Foo Fighters and Other Thoughts

Unidentified flying objects were in fact nothing new when they first came upon the public consciousness after 1947. Pilots in all theaters of World War II had been seeing them following and keeping pace with their aircraft for some time. Without guidance from their commanders , Allied airmen chose their own name to refer to these objects. They called them foo fighters. They borrowed this name from a popular comic strip of the day called Smokey Stover. Smokey was a fireman who drove an impossible vehicle to fight fires called The Foomobile. This vehicle was a small two-man fire engine that had only two wheels on a single axle. In the comic strip of course this worked just fine, while if such a vehicle had been created it would've simply fallen over with the technology of the 1940s. It simply could not work. Since the foo fighters appeared to operate in a manner inexplicable in the 1940s the Allied airmen decided to name them after Smokey Stover's impossible Foomobile.

This wasn't the only time that a comic strip was used to suggest a name for an object used by the military and World War II. The awkwardly named general purpose vehicle became a much loved and ubiquitous tool used by all services. It was initially commonly referred to by its initials GP. This four-wheel-drive vehicle could go anywhere. Shortly before its introduction the popular comic and cartoon character Popeye introduce another comic character called the Jeep. This strange creature resembled a small dog walked upright on two legs and went anywhere. It would walk up walls walk across ceilings with a complete disregard for gravity, and walk over buildings. No obstacle slowed it down. Therefore it comes to no surprise that almost every G.I. in every theater simultaneously came to the conclusion that the general purpose vehicle had to be called the Jeep.
Interestingly with present-day technology the Foomobile is actually quite possible. Its basic design in the comic strip is quite similar to that of the present day Segway. A Foomobile could be constructed today using the computer controlled gyroscopic system of a Segway. This of course could not even be imagined during World War II.

Similarly the flight characteristics and physical behavior of unidentified flying objects have been impossible to understand and completely impossible to explain since their first appearance in antiquity. The fact that the mechanism of their flight behavior cannot be explained in any way by commonly accepted science has been a major argument for skeptics and debunkers. If the flight characteristics of UFOs appear to be impossible then the objects themselves are equally impossible. This however may change dramatically quite soon. Scientists are making new breakthroughs that might explain them. Boaz Almog is a physicist in Israel. He has made a fascinating presentation for the TED talk series. This presentation can be watched in its entirety at the TED website. In this he describes his research into superconductors and
magnetic fields and an amazing principle that he refers to as quantum locking. In the demonstration viewable on the Ted website he takes extremely thin sapphire discs and super cools them to near absolute zero using liquid nitrogen tuning them into superconductors. He then places the disc over a magnet where it becomes locked within the magnetic field and maintains its position completely defying gravity in relation to the magnet. This is accomplished by quantum locking, a principal described by Almog in detail in the video. The behavior of the super cooled superconducting discs in this video is strikingly similar to the behavior commonly attributed to unidentified flying objects. Boaz Almog may not believe in unidentified flying objects himself, he certainly doesn’t comment on them in the video, but is very possible that he may have explained how they might possibly work within the science that is known today.

Like Smokey Stover's impossible Foomobile modern theoretical science might now have explained how unidentified flying objects just might possibly work and how we might someday be able to build them. No matter how impossible, if it can be imagined today it can be done tomorrow.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Your comments

The most recent comment I have received about this blog concerns OBOLs (Orange Balls of Light).  The comment is published below.  OBOLs are frequently reported in Indiana during the summer.  I have written articles about them in this blog.

The commenter is reporting a fascinating close, personal experience with an OBOL.  I want to hear about cases like this.  The greater the catalog of reports available to MUFON Investigators like myself, the greater our chances to to find a clue that could help solve this mystery and others surrounding UFOs.  If you see an OBOL, UFO or anything else you think might be related please report it on the MUFON website.  There is a link near the top of this blog.  There are easy instructions there for filling out the report and your identity will be kept in confidence if you wish.  Reporting in this fashion allows us to investigate your sighting and places it in a reference data base for further research.