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The best way to report a UFO is to access the MUFON web site at You will be directed to a form. It is important to fill this out as completely as possible. All of the questions provide vital clues in the ongoing research in UFOs. If you choose to remain anonymous your identiy will be a closely guraded secret within MUFON.
For the last several years I have been a Field Investigator for The Mutual UFO Network in Indiana. In this blog I would like to present some of the more interesting cases and the phenomena that that is observed in Indiana. The UFO phenomenon is actually a variety of Phenomena some of which are understood and some that aren't. In addition to the vast number of mistaken naturally occurring events in the sky and the hoaxes there are also some things that have a natural explanation that is not yet understood. There are also intelligently controlled craft that have no conventional explanation.

Here I will discuss the cases that were easily explained, those that turned out to be hoaxes and those that remain mysterious. Occasionally I will offer my own theories.

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Ancient Civilization Hypothesis

A major debate within MUFON and the larger UFO community rages over the origin of the objects and craft we study. When public awareness of the topic first emerged in the early fifties the obvious conclusion was that they were craft from another planet. Skeptics leaped at this pointing out that there could be no life elsewhere in our solar system and that travel beyond it was impossible according to Einstein's Theory of Relativity. The first argument is now known to be almost certainly wrong though as yet there is no public announcement of a discovery of life on Mars or Europa, the second has been weakened by a new generation of physicists who have put forth a number of theories that suggest ways to cross the universe with out contradicting Einstein.

While the extraterrestrial hypothesis remains strong, ufologists have suggested other possibilities. Now that string theory suggests the possibility of parallel universes, inter dimensional travel is a popular contender as is time travel. Personally I agree with most physicists that time travel is impossible. I'm greatly disappointed in this. I would like to travel to the future. The inter-dimensional and extraterrestrial hypothesis however look like they still have a lot going for them.

But an article in this months issue of The MUFON Journal (November No. 535) has gotten me wondering about a thought that has been nagging me for a long time. What if “They” have always been here?

Richard Hoffman, Alabama State Director (MUFON), writes about a meeting he had with Dr. Leon Kazarian, who stated that he was studying the long term effects of space travel on the human body at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Hoffman recalls Kazarian stating that “..his team had projected out a future scenario where if two consecutive generations were to live in space, we (humans) would give birth to children who resemble the current beings associated with UFOs.” Hoffman later wonders if this suggests the time travel hypothesis. But suppose time travel really is impossible.

A number of ruins and other traces have suggested that civilization may have existed on earth at a time far earlier than the currently accepted 3000 years or so. Earlier than that and all traces could be erased by geologic action. Suppose then that a technologically advanced human civilization existed on Earth say 80,000 years ago. This civilization developed some form of space travel along with the other technologies that would be contemporary with that. Like our present civilization, some of the people would live in technologically advanced comfort while others would remain primitive with other levels of technology and superstition in between. Then there is a global catastrophe. A significant portion of the advanced peoples leave the Earth and survive. The greater portion of those left behind die leaving only a few thousand to restart the human race on Earth. After a few generations the space dwellers would, if Kazarian's statement is correct, develop smaller bodies, larger heads, and almond shaped eyes, as a result of living in weightlessness or reduced gravity, and exposure to cosmic radiation. They would have traveled in space for many generations, perhaps seeking a home at another star, perhaps taking up residence in our Solar neighborhood in artificial habitats. Eventually some of the space dwellers would return to see if Mother Earth might be habitable. By then they would look quite alien.

A catastrophic reduction in the human population may have occurred. Research into the human genome suggests that human population was suddenly reduced to about 15'000 individuals, 70,000 years ago. This is called The Toba catastrophe theory because it happened when the Toba super volcano in Indonesia erupted causing major environmental change. Wikapedia states on the subject, “The theory is based on geological evidences of sudden climate change and on coalescence evidences of some genes (including mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome and some nuclear genes) and the relatively low level of genetic variation with humans.”

A single suggestion in a recalled conversation and a few theories isn't much to hang a hypothesis on but it does suggest an explanation for UFO visitors that does not require the great energies to cross interstellar distances or travel between dimensions. The space-born survivors would have the motivation to visit Earth and the means to since great distances do not have to be involved. I am a little uncomfortable that this dovetails with the Ancient Astronaut theorist with whom I largely disagree but advancing knowledge means looking at things in new ways.

If this hypothesis turns out to be the case how do we greet them when real contact is finally made? Hi cousin, Been awhile?

Sunday, May 13, 2012


My interest was peaked when MUFON received a report of unusual occurrences on a farm in Hancock County, Indiana. The report referred to a large formation of black helicopters, strange lights, ghosts and other phenomena I decided to take on at least the initial investigation myself because the farm was only ten minutes from my house.

A little more than a year ago I presented at several speaking engagements in the Central Indiana area to promote membership in MUFON. The Central Indiana area has been a hot spot of reported UFO activity of all varieties but I was the only field investigator. My efforts resulted in the formation of the MUFON Indy Group, a unit of MUFON based in Indianapolis. In very short order six members became certified field investigators and that number is growing.

Our group has become very interested In the events at the Skin Walker Ranch in Utah. I wondered if a similar area of activity might be located in Indiana. This has happened before. Lucky Point was a location of intense activity in southern Indiana in the 70s. This included balls of light, UFOs of several types, big foot sightings, and other things. It was investigated by Past State Director, Jerry Seivers and a link to the details of this investigation can be found on the MUFON Indiana web site.

Unfortunately the farm in Hancock County does not appear to be quite so promising, at least so far.

The initial report referred to strangely deformed trees, ghost activity, sightings of strange people, possibly spirits, who appeared out of place in the modern world and vanished mysteriously, and on one occasion, a fleet of black helicopters.

The trees were quickly explained. My wife is a certified master gardener. She recognized the appearance of the trees to be natural tree growth formation and grape vines. While they had an interesting and somewhat spooky appearance, there was nothing unusual or unnatural about them.

My intention was to visit the farm with field Investigator, Roger Pingleton. Roger is far more interested in ghost phenomena that I am and I wanted to keep this balanced. Frankly, while I try to keep an open mind about everything, I'm pretty skeptical about the whole concept of an afterlife. Roger arrived for our appointment at the farm on time. I was running late so instead of taking the county roads I decided to save time by using I-70. A Fed-Ex tandem rig crashed ahead of me and spilled all of it's fuel. I was trapped in traffic for the next seven hours and never made it there that day. I could see the farm from the interstate and couldn't get there. At my request Roger surveyed the area with a Geiger counter and magnetometer. I was hoping that if there was any UFO activity at the farm, trace radiation or magnetic anomalies would remain. He concentrated on the locations the owner identified as places where strange sightings had occurred over the years. The results were negative.

He was, however, very impressed with the ghost activity the owner reported.

I was able to visit the farm about a week later. The owner had lived on the farm most of her life. She showed me several sites. There was the tree where a lynching had allegedly occurred possibly by the KKK who were powerful in Indiana in the 1920s, the location of a suicide, a place by a stream, now quite close to I-70, where an Indian village was believed to have been massacred by white settlers, and the place over the farm where she had recently seen a formation of ten black helicopters hovering stationary over her farm.

There was no UFO activity reported.

This investigation is ongoing. Since MUFON Indy has a significant group interested in spiritual phenomena I will leave most of this investigation to them. Historical records can be searched for references to the Indian village, the suicide, and the lynching to see if they can be verified as historical events.

I have to say I'm not impressed with the helicopters. While I have heard many reports of black helicopters they are not mysterious. Black is a popular color for privately owned helicopters. Ron Ursay, owner of the Colts, used to own a black Bell 222. LifeLine, Indiana's oldest medical helicopter service now flies five black and red EC-145s. I have also seen Army helicopters literally hundreds of times. Shelbyville, Indiana is only a few miles south of the farm and it is the home of a National Guard helicopter base. Against a bright blue sky or in gray overcast army green helicopters will appear black and unmarked. Their markings are black. So will almost any other color. The bright sky will cause your iris to contract. The farm is also very close to Indianapolis Regional Airport where the Mount Comfort Air Show is held every year. This is the scene and many military demonstrations and war reenactments. If ten attack helicopters were flying in the area it would be unique but not unusual.
Investigators with MUFON Indy will continue to monitor the farm. We've discussed having an overnight session at the farm. We'll see.

Cogs and Artifacts

I've been familiar with the theory of aliens visiting Earth in ancient times and influencing humanity for most of my life. I read Chariots of the Gods in the 70s. Now with the Ancient Aliens TV series the idea is growing in popularity.

While I believe you should keep an open mind on such matters It's also very important to be careful not to jump to false conclusions. We must try to be as informed as possible about what you’re looking at and try to interpret it within the correct context.

I learned this unexpectedly in the 1970s when I visited the Indianapolis Museum of Art with my niece. Both of us had recently read Chariots of the Gods. We went to the museum on an impulse with no idea what exhibits might be on display or prior conception of what we might see.

The IMA is a world class museum. Today it's several times larger and houses one of the finest permanent collections in the world. If you visit Indianapolis you must spend a couple of days at the Indianapolis Museum of Art.

My niece and I walked into the gallery that usually contained the traveling exhibits and noticed that it appeared to be a display of very ancient artifacts. A map on the wall illustrated an archeological dig at the site of a possibly prehistoric civilization. Plaques described the location of this lost culture, the habits that were so far known of its people and how the site was discovered. Around us were the objects that were unearthed from that site. Plaques described them as thousands of years old. Most of these were votive forms, objects of art crated as an offering or tribute to the gods in return for a favor. Essentially a three dimensional prayer.

We looked at the objects at first in fascination and then stupefaction. The objects could not be votive forms. They were parts of machines. There were obvious gears and cogs. Machined parts suggested a purpose that could not quite be discerned. It was if archeologists had unearthed clearly advanced devices with no concept of what they had found. Wheels and levers fit perfectly together as they were created by an advanced civilization. Certainly not by a prehistoric culture as they are understood today. Either a civilization with a technology rivaling our own once existed on Earth, almost all traces of which have now vanished or the ancient astronaut theorist were right. At that moment nothing else seemed possible.

The moment passed.

As we intently studied the objects new details emerged. On the side of one cog I could clearly read the inscription in English lettering “Kawasaki”. Other modern names could be found. Then we listened like flies on a wall as a museum official explained the exhibit to another visitor. This was an art project. A college teacher had created an imaginary civilization that had been unearthed by a fictional dig. The artifacts had been created with found objects by his students. This was not a hoax. It was art.

It is undeniable that there is evidence that suggests that at least some of the ancients were more advanced than we give them credit for or they had access to higher technology. Damascus steel was forged by a process that may have been duplicated only recently. Greek fire continues to be a matter of debate. The Peri Reis Map remains unexplained. Medieval and Renaissance art contains many images that appear to be space ships or flying craft. These suggests that we have been visited by aliens in medieval and perhaps ancient times but whether or not these visitors had any influence on our development remains speculation. Even Erich Von Daniken states that he is only suggesting a possibility and asking if perhaps it could have happened that way.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Do Microbe Swarms Form OBOLs?

Orange Balls Of Light (OBOLs) are by far the most common of UFO sightings in Indiana. I’ve written about them before. They appear and then go away. They don't behave like other UFOs, or for that matter like other Balls of Light in other states or other parts of the world. Here they appear singly or in numbers, float leasurly across the sky usually at an altitude of at least 1500 feet, and then vanish. In other parts of the world they have been reported to chase people, approach within a few feet of an observer, appear in colors other than orange, such as red and blue, and sometimes have been known to impart a physical, electrical shock to the observer. (Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah, Colm A. Kelleher, George Knapp ). They have also been reported to be associated with crop circles, cattle mutilations, and virtually every other UFO phenomena.

So what are these and are they all the same phenomena?

The other day my wife, Robin Brunner, and I were kicking the subject around and she came up with an amazing idea. Suppose at least some of the OBOLs are bioluminescent airborne microbes?

We know that microbes exist and live in the atmosphere. They are even thought to affect the weather. (See Cloudy with a Chance of Microbes. Microbe Magazine, March 2012.) We also know that many lifeforms on planet Earth are bioluminescent Could a species that is normally microscopic and therefore invisible gather together in a swarm occasionally and on this special occasion become bioluminescent as a group creating an OBOL that floats across the sky as the swarm is perhaps mating or fissioning. A spere would be a common shape for such a swarm. The Brownian motion like movement of a colony of glowing microscopic creatures might produce an effect that appears very much like a ball of fire. although it would be cold.

J. Allen Hynek and other famous UFO researchers have considered the possibility that some UFOs could be living creatures. I would like to suggest this as one possible theory for that hypothesis.

Clearly this cannot explain all OBOL phenomena. We cannot have proof of this idea until a microbe has been isolated. But this might explain some of the OBOL phenomena as it has been reported so often in Indiana.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

New Moons

The other day I was listening To Morning Edition on NPR. The story that caught my interest was about captured moons orbiting the Earth. These are essentially are passing space rocks that are captured by Earth's gravity and fall into orbit around the Earth. Previously it was believed that our planet's gravity was too weak to do this very often but now, with improved detection devices and telescopes more are being found and astronomers and scientists are admitting that from time to time that Earth may have many more moons than familiar Luna. That is until the object is perturbed by Luna's gravity or swings out to a point where the Earth can no longer hold it and it continues on it's way.

We've known for decades that Deimos and Phobos, the moons of Mars are likely captured bodies as are probably all the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.

The part of the story that struck me was a description of the discovery of one of these “mini-moons”. This object was initially believed to be a piece of space junk left over from our space program, perhaps some part of a vehicle used by the Apollo program. Analysis of its orbit however proved that it could not be left by Apollo, or any other human source so it was determined that it was a captured asteroid. At that moment I realized that they couldn't tell what it really was. They were inferring that if it wasn't man made space debris then it had to be an asteroid. Nothing else could be considered. Apparently the astronomers had no way of determining if this object was composed of a few dozen pounds of magnesium and aluminum or a couple of tons of nickle and iron, ...or an alien ship.

There have been hundreds of reports of huge craft, often called “Mother Ships” due to their size. They are reported to be many times the size of aircraft carriers and come in all shapes. We hear about them in well documented observations from highly reliable sources such as airline pilots and scientists. Often they are simultaneous tracked by radar. But when these huge craft are not in our skies where do they go? Perhaps they simply move to a high orbit around the Earth where we can't distinguish them from a space rock.