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The best way to report a UFO is to access the MUFON web site at You will be directed to a form. It is important to fill this out as completely as possible. All of the questions provide vital clues in the ongoing research in UFOs. If you choose to remain anonymous your identiy will be a closely guraded secret within MUFON.
For the last several years I have been a Field Investigator for The Mutual UFO Network in Indiana. In this blog I would like to present some of the more interesting cases and the phenomena that that is observed in Indiana. The UFO phenomenon is actually a variety of Phenomena some of which are understood and some that aren't. In addition to the vast number of mistaken naturally occurring events in the sky and the hoaxes there are also some things that have a natural explanation that is not yet understood. There are also intelligently controlled craft that have no conventional explanation.

Here I will discuss the cases that were easily explained, those that turned out to be hoaxes and those that remain mysterious. Occasionally I will offer my own theories.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


A frequent UFO report describes a luminous object performing tight maneuvers at night. The lights on the object do not conform to the red and green navigation lights and white landing lights of normal aircraft and the maneuvers appear to be too radical for an air craft piloted by a human being. Yet a relatively new mn made aircraft can account for this kind of report. The availability of bright, lightweight. LEDs has been embraced by radio controlled aircraft hobbyists. Most have equipped their model aircraft with navigation and landing lights in precise scale. A few. however, have installed very bright LEDs in unusual configuration on their models creating an anomalous appearance. These can be reported as UFOs by a casual observer who may be unaware that they are observing a radio controlled model.

RC hobbyists often fly their models at night now that light weight lighting is available. The models perform maneuvers in scale to their size which appear to be,, and in fact are, impossible for a manned aircraft. Of course RC aircraft must remain in the immediate vicinity of the controller on the ground to maintain line of sight and radio range.

An example of this kind of UFO appearing RC plane can be seen at the following link.

©2010 David A. Henninger

Friday, October 8, 2010

Orange Balls of Light

The most common type of UFO reported in Indiana this summer is the Orange Ball of Light or OBOL. OBOLs appear, as the name implies, as a bright orange sphere that seems to be burning or smoldering. They travel slowly and lazily across the sky usually with the wind and only last a minute or two. They seem, at least in the cases that I have investigated, to appear most frequently at night under cloud cover or overcast. Certainly some of these reports are distant airplanes slightly obscured by smog so that the navigation lights are blurred together. But many are sighted by reliable observers with excellent eyesight and with airplanes clearly visible in the same section of sky. Dozens of these have been reported this summer. Many more over the past several years.

Exactly what these objects are is a matter of debate within the UFO community. Some investigators believe that these are controlled devices or vehicles. Linda Moulton Howe has reported that flaming balls of light accompany cattle mutalations.

I suspect that OBOLs, at least the variety that appear in Indiana, are a natural phenomena, perhaps electrostatic in nature similer to ball lightening. Recently a number of new aspects of lightening have been verified by science. Lightening is now known to take huge etherial forms called elves, jets, and sprites that travel thousands of feet above a Thunderstorm . Lightnening might have other forms not yet identified.

There is also the possibility that OBOLs are related to earth lights, a phenomena not yet understood but beginning to get scientific recognition. Earthquake lights, which may or not be the same as earth lights, have been scientifically recorded both before and after an earthquake and are believed to be generated by geologic forces. None of these luminous bodies are fully understood.

So far we have no idea what OBOLS might be and we have no good clues. There have been many brief observations but few good pictures and even fewer good theories. Investigations continue.

©2010 David A. Henninger

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tiny UFOs in October

Indiana is being overflown by millions of tiny UFOs. They look like small bright spots in the clear blue sky Indiana is enjoying this week and are best seen in morning or evening.

Many species of smaller spiders will climb high in a tree and spread a net of webbing. The wind will take this like a kite and carry the spider for miles, sometimes hundreds of miles. This frequently happens shortly after a hatching so an observer might see dozens in an hour.

This afternoon I observed about fifteen. Most appeared as a bright fuzzy spot in the blue sky traveling in the direction of the wind and reflecting the sunlight. One or two were two or three bright spots connected by gossamer webbing making the whole thing resemble a creature in the first Poltergeist movie. truly an alien appearance.

Detailed information about this unusual trait of spiders can be found in Wikipedia. Search for ballooning (spiders).

©2010 David A. Henninger